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10 Super Foods To Boost Immunity In Winter

All set to welcome Winters. Making some small changes to our diet can help boost our immune systems this Winter.

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Pink Blob

Here are 10 winter superfoods that not only taste great but also can help fight the cold weather boost immunity.

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Ghee is a widely used in Indian cuisine, it has a warming effect on the body and ideal in winters. Power house of healthy fats, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, D, E, and K.

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Sweet potato is a winter delight available widely in winters. Rich in fibre, vitamin A and potassium and high in nutrients. Aids immunity and supplies the body’s vitamin C requirements. 

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Amla is known as a divine medicine in Ayurveda & full of vit C & B, calcium, iron, phosphorous, carotene, protein and fiber, eating it daily improves immunity, boosts digestion and longevity. 

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Dates are good in winters as they can aid in maintaining body warmth during cold. High calorie content, natural sugars & fiber in dates promotes a feeling of fullness making a balanced diet in winter.

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Countless health benefits of jaggery and its warming effect helps in boosting overall immunity and building resistance in Body. It raises body temperature and provides a comforting feeling in winter. 

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Millets like Ragi, Bajra and Jowar are low-glycaemic, high in fibre, and packed with a range of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Winter is the best time to consume Millets.

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Broccoli and cauliflower are power house of fibre, vitamins, minerals, & beneficial antioxidants also Rich in vitamin C. Both the veggies help to protect against winter illnesses. 

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Winter is the season for root vegetables. They are a rich source of beta carotene, fiber, potassium, and manganese, B vitamins and antioxidants. Eg: Sweet potatoes, beets, yams, turnips, and carrots. 

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Nuts are extremely nutritious and a great addition to our diets & provide our bodies with a variety of benefits in winter. consuming peanuts, cashews, almonds, and walnuts can make you feel heated.

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Mustard Leaves or Sarso loaded with powerful antioxidants like vitamin K, A, and C along with a variety of minerals is an ideal winter food. 

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So, these immunity-boosting foods are those that are fresh, organic, easy to digest, they increase digestive enzymes and cellular metabolic function, and ensure complete assimilation of nutrients.

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